Educate Yourself!You need to educate yourself on both women and men, and how their minds work. The more you know about women, the better your chances are for success. If you know how women think, and what they want, then you have the power to respond and behave in ways that will attract any woman. By creating an image that women want you will attract the women you desire. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about women, including what they like to see and hear, and how they want to be treated. Consider this book your new Bible. But knowing women is only half the battle you also need to know how men think. Yeah, you heard me right you need to know how your own mind works. We all have conscious thoughts, and make conscious decisions every day. But there is also our subconscious to consider. When we set goals, our subconscious keeps track of these goals, and influences the results in our conscious mind. When we encounter fears or rejection, our subconscious deals with these obstacles and adjusts our conscious mind accordingly. We are able to keep our goals in focus through changes made in the subconscious mind. When you make mistakes, or face obstacles, your subconscious mind chalks these things up to experience and expects that you will continue to pursue your goals. And that is just what you need to do learn from your mistakes and move on. For our purposes, you must always keep your goals in mind, and continue towards them with relentless enthusiasm. |