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Free Attract Women Advices!!
Dress to Impress on Them!
  • How should a man dress to impress? First, always wear clothes that correspond to the occasion. Second, always wear a well put-together outfit...
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  • What are Your Desires?
  • Now we find out what kind of woman you are really looking for. Start by writing down a detailed and realistic physical description of her. Is she tall or short? Thin or big-boned? Does she have short or long hair...
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  • Do You Know Who Are You?
  • This is the time to start thinking about Who You Are. This article will help you to figure out who you are, and what you have to offer a woman. First step: describe yourself. What would you say? Well, a good start is a physical description...
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    Put the Focus on What You Want!
  • What you think about and focus on is, inevitably, what you are going to get out of life. You have to think about new ideas, new goals and new women, or your mind and behavior will exhibit the old ideas, patterns and people...
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  • Who You Are and What they Want!
  • For you to find a woman with all the qualities you want, you first have to know about yourself. I guarantee that if you know yourself, and what you want, women will be eager to be with you...
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  • Do it Take Action!
  • Chances are, women won't arbitrarily flirt with you on the street. They won't offer their bodies to you. They won't approach you and ask for your number. You have to initiate meeting women. Once you meet a woman she will decide if she wants to further the relationship...
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  • World's Leading Source for Seducing Women
    Educate Yourself!
  • You need to educate yourself on both women and men, and how their minds work. The more you know about women, the better your chances are for success. If you know how women think, and what they want, then you have the power to respond and behave in ways that will attract any woman...
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  • Collect Information!
  • As you read through this gide you will be asking yourself several questions about you and the type of woman you want. You will benefit more from this guide if you write down the answers to all the upcoming questions...
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  • Look for a date on 2 of a Kind!
    Choices in Life!
  • Everything that happens to you is directly related to your choices in life. If you rely on an uncontrollable imaginary force (such as luck, or chance) you will be giving up the power to take your life into your own hands. ...
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  • Get in to it with Practice!
  • As you begin your journey into the world of dating you will still be learning approach techniques and you should try to figure out what works best for you. This means trying the techniques in this book, and adapting them to your personal style...
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